Friday, October 28, 2011

LifeGroup Recap

This past week, our new LifeGroup talked about...

"Lies and our worth in Christ"

1) Satan is the author of all falsehood.
Straight from the mouth of Jesus.
(John 8:42-44)

2) The enemy has been lying to us since the beginning.
His half-truth about the fruit of the tree gave Adam and Eve an excuse to sin.
(Genesis 3: 1-6)

3) Seeing their nakedness...a state figurative of their rebellion, sin, and shame...our first ancestors try and cover themselves up. Then they hide, tell their own half-truths, and finger-point to escape the truth.
Lies breed more untruth.
(Genesis 3: 7-13)

4) Yet, even in their disobedience, God recognizes their inability to cover their own nakedness and he gives them mercy.
A physical cover of loincloth.
(Genesis 3: 21)
A spiritual promise to defeat the evil one . - The protoevangelion or "first gospel message"
(Genesis 3: 15)

5) Today, the devil still lurks about...lying to us to seek our destruction.

Since he can't separate us from God, he will try and make us miserable here and now.
(1 Peter 5:8)

6) Sometimes we hear his lies and internalize them to ourselves or speak them to others.
The flesh and the world are our enemies as much as Satan.
(Colossians 3: 9-10)

7) Lies we hear often fall into two categories:
You are awesome, you deserve that.
You suck, you don't deserve that.

8) Lies we hear from Satan, from the world around us, and from our own flesh include:
"Successful equals lots of money, lots of friends, and a powerful position in life."
"You're too fat...too skinny...too ugly..."
"You are not a good...mother, father, person, son, daughter, friend..."
"You can't come to Jesus because you are a sinner"
and so many more...

9) The truth is that anyone can come to meet Jesus.
He wants to save the broken people, not hang out with the cool crowd
(Matthew 9:13)

10) The truth is that believers find their identity IN Christ,.
We are not to be held down by the lies of the enemy and the world.
(Romans 8:1)

11) To combat these lies we must...
Come to know Jesus
(Romans 10:9)
Study the Scripture to the point it is our default offensive weapon against the lies surrounding us
(Ephesians 6:17)
Pray always
(1 Thessalonians 5:17)
Be in a community of believers who can provide positive encouragement
(Romans 1:12)

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