Monday, October 31, 2011

James 1

A few days ago, a friend asked me to read James 1 and give him my general thoughts on the passage.  Here goes:

Verses 2-4

In these verses, James seems to be telling us that going through hardships that test our faith is good for us.  In fact, it seems to say that the testing of our faith really serves to bolster our faith.  One thing that strikes me here is that James indicates we should rejoice in the hardships.  He doesn't say endure or push through, he says to "count it all joy."  Thats powerful because being full of joy in the midst of trials is exactly what the hope of the Gospel allows us to do.  Its also the type of behavior that causes the world is ask "how can that person be so happy going through that difficulty?"  Thats the kind of question that opens the door to evangelism!

Verses 5-8

Still on the subject of going through trials and tests of faith, James informs us that we can always ask for wisdom to guide us through the trouble.  But he reminds us that we must have faith that our God WILL see us through.  A person who doubts that God is with them, and who asks for wisdom nonetheless, is confused and unable to receive God's gift of wisdom because of their unbelief.

Verses 9-11

Be humble as you are tested.  Remember that it is God who sustains and delivers us.  We ourselves are but specks in the grand scheme of time.  We are nothing, by inference...He is everything.

Verses 12-15

Remain steadfast!  Do not think that God is tempting you if you are tempted.  God will test, but he can never tempt because of his perfectly holy nature.  Interestingly...James makes it clear that the temptation comes from inside our own depraved souls.  He does not blame the temptation on the devil or on demons, although he clearly believes in the truth and power of dark forces.  In this passage he notes that we lead ourselves to eternal death by our sin nature.

Verses 16-18

A good passage to confirm the immutable (unchanging) nature of God and to reaffirm that the will of the Father, through the work of the Son, is the only way that we have become adopted sons and daughters.

Verses 19-21

Almost as if to say, now here is how you remain steadfast, James shifts to some practical advice for his audience.  The wonderful, and seldom followed admonition to listen and be slow to speech/ anger is one of the best "application points" in the Scriptures.  In saying "put away the filth," I sense that James is talking about repentance.  He is telling us to die to our old self and to receive the "implanted word"...which I take to mean Christ.  Essentially he is echoing John 3 here..."be born again."

Verses 22-25

We must do more than mentally assent to the truth of the Gospel.  A real conversion will manifest itself in supreme love for Christ, a love that forces us to begin putting our faith into action.  If a person says they are saved but you fail to see them "doing" any work to bear fruit, the validity of that salvation may be something that only exists in the individuals mind.

Verses 26-27

The comment here about being "religious" with an unbridled tongue is a continuation of 22-25.  I think its important to note that James could have chosen to mention any number of specific examples here.  He picked the sin that is caused by hurtful words.  The use of harsh words is something that is all too easy for humans, believer and non-believer alike, to regularly fail at.  Its one of the things we must be most vigilant against!

To finish this chapter, James gives another example of how we must put our belief in the Gospel into action.  He mentions the most helpless people of any society...orphan kids and old women without family.  He reminds us to do more than talk the talk, he notes that we are expected to also walk the walk.  This last verse is the one that I recently heard in the context of "the biblical imperative to look after orphans isn't an option."  Its also the verse that solidified our family's decision to adopt soon!

Hope that helps!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting that I found your blog for the first time, and see a post on scripture so close to my heart. This past week I have been reading James 1: 2-6 over and over again, and it's been such a faith builder. I then found a marker in my bible from May when I was going through a similar situation. I am so glad I persevered and now have a much closer relationship with God, stronger faith, and a better understanding of James 1.

    Thank you for the break down of this chapter.
