Thursday, March 4, 2010

The LOST Last Supper

(warning - no redeeming theological material - just LOST speculation)

As a promo for the last season of LOST, ABC released the image I posted above a few months back.

After watching "Sundown' last night I think we know a few things that relate to the way characters are posed in the LOST Last Supper.

Locke (probably Flocke) is in the center spot.  This makes sense since he is the one who died and was ressurected (well, sorta)

On the right side appear to be the good guys...

On the left appear to be the dark side...

Of course, life isn't that clear cut and a few questions remain.  I think I have answers...

Q1)  Why are Richard and Illana on the left?
A1)  Look at their bodies positioning... From what we've seenm I don't think that they will side with Flocke.  Nevertheless they are important to the story, thus there was a need for them to be in the picture.  They were posed on the left side strictly for visual balance - but, the way that they are distinctly pulled away from Flocke and the core of his followers indicates that they are NOT on his side.  Incidently, look at Claire also.  She seems detached from Flocke also.  We might see that her "evilness" is more "craziness" and that her heart is still naturally good.  Maybe.

Q2)  What about Jin.  Hes on the right, but isn't he a criminal?
A2)  I think that the love Jin has for Sun will sway him to whatever side she is on.

Q3)  Kates on the left and she seemed to follow Flocke in "Sundown" but she won't really go bad will she?
Q3)  Love can mess us up.  If Sawyers chooses Flocke, Kate will follow.

Q4)  Ben is a good guy?
Q4)  He said so himself when he was speaking to Jack a few seasons back.  I believed him then and now.  Ben has done some crazy things but I never believed he was evil at his core...just easily manipulated.

Also, look at the eyes of each character:
-  Sawyer and Jack are both staring directly at their savior/ enemy. 
-  Kate and Jin staring at each other. 
-  Sayid and Ben locked in a death stare (could we see a fight between the two...remember Ben fighting in the desert, he has skills too). 
-  Claire and Hurley both look confused somewhat
-  Sun staring at Jin!
-  Frank and Miles looking at Richard and Illana (the non-main characters bookending)

Questions left...

Q1)  Wheres Daniel Faraday?
A1)  He'll be back.  Maybe not on the island however.  I think we'll see him in the Reset timeline.

Q2)  Wheres Desmond and Penny?
A2)  We'll see them in the Reset too.  We might even see Desmond in some other capacity back on the island.  He is of course "the Constant"

Q3)  Wheres Charles Widmore?
A3)  He is the person "coming to the island" that we keep hearing about.  Now that Jacob is dead the MIB has summoned Widmore back and there is nothing to prevent his return.  I firmly believe that there was a war in the past between Richard and Widmore (in the 50s or 60s)...Widmore sided with MIB and he was banished from the island.  We'll see Widmore in some pivotal scenes.

What do you all think?

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