Friday, January 6, 2012

Real Marriage

My wife and I started reading the new book by Mark Driscoll recently.  Its called "Real Marriage" and it has quickly shot to the top of the Amazon charts, and the top of many Christian blogs.  If you don't know Mark, he is a very controversial guy for the way that he does two things:

1)  Communicates a neo-reformed and complementarian theology (that focuses on Jesus and the grace of God above all things) in a very practical and contextual way to the 20 and 30 somethings of our nation - particularly his city of Seattle.

2)  Speaks openly (and sometimes brashly) about language, sex, entertainment, heretics, and such.

Mark got a real bad reputation several years ago when he was younger and less wise with his teaching and his counsel.  Since then he has become friends with some older and more mature men (John Piper for one) who have helped him tone back his rhetoric and make things even more about Jesus.

This new book, which we have taken turns reading aloud on our Kindle Fire, is absolutely engrossing.  We are in Chapter 2 and the honesty with which Mark and his wife write cuts right to the heart of marriages today.  My wife, who isn't much of a reader, even asked me if we could keep reading instead of going to bed the other night.

I am hoping to do a LifeGroup study on this book in the near future.  I think that married couples will benefit greatly from its gospel-centered and practical message.

You can read all about the book here:

Because Mark is so controversial I must warn you that he is getting some flak for the book, feedback which I am not quick to dismiss, and you should research the book for yourself before investing based on my opinion.

Check out this review by Denny Burk.  He is pretty balanced regarding his read of the material and his review has caused me to question if I will cover Chapter 10 in my LifeGroup study.  After I read it I will decide.

At the end of the day, as Mark says in his introduction, no book is perfect (except the Holy Scriptures) and we can feel free to "cut and paste" those things which are helpful while setting aside the things that could confuse or hinder us.

"Real Marriage" has my endorsement (as if that means anything) and is recommended for my readers (all 0.5 of you.)

Enjoy and may it strengthen your relationship.

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