Wednesday, February 17, 2010


My wife took the boys out on a playdate yesterday with another mom who has two little girls.  We know these nice folks from storytime at the McDonough library.  The two girls are ages 4 and 18 months...just abit older than my boys in both cases.

Apparently, at one point in the playdate the 4 year old girl told my oldest (Everett), that she was "going to kill his brother."

Everett promptly slapped her across her face.

She told her mom and them the two ladies had to decipher what had happened.  When they figured it out both kids got a stern talking to.

I know the little girl had no idea what she was saying.  I know that my boy was wrong in smacking her...

Yet, something inside me is damn proud at his loyalty to his brother.  I bet its the last time she says that phrase.

Do I need help in shepherding my child's heart or what!


  1. Awesome. I can only hope one of mine will slap somebody in defense of their sibling someday.

  2. Great testimony!!!!!!!!!! Love it!
