Monday, January 25, 2010

A Nice Critique

The other day I was sent a comment by a gentleman that I do not know who happened across my blog thru a Google search.  He gave me some encouragement on my birthday as well as a critique.  The reason I wanted to write about his comments was easy...

In the recent past I have jumped at the chance to write about the wrong way to be critical of another's ideas, see this blog (Comment Response)  Its only proper for me to give you an example of the right way to do things.  Here is part of what my reader said:

As I was scrolling through your blog, one thing jumped at me is your eagerness to mock non-calvinists.

I think one thing we need to learn is to agree to disagree. We can disagree on the 5 points, but does that make us not brothers? Is it more important than the oneness we have in Christ?

We, as christians, need to set that aside, and go into the world because the time is near.

John 13:35 - By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

I only mentioned this with the intent to exhort you. No argument as to the doctrine itself.
Now, I am not sure how much I agree with him.  I actually tend to think that we can, and should, seek to correct heterodox beliefs even when they remain within the broad sphere of our faith.  Thus, I am not planning to put aside my conviction to bring Reformed truth to Arminian brothers and sisters. 
However, he is very right in expressing to me that I should not let that passion turn into arrogant, prideful, mocking of my bretheren.  If I have done that, I am sorry and I repent of it.  It wasn't my intent to be that way, it simply crept in (as our sin often does)
I hope that all of us can see how this reader was able to offer his advice in a way that was non-abrasive and helpful.  We could all learn something by this example.

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