Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Think on this...

...In much of the American Christian culture, if a local pastor was to stand up at his church on Sunday and make the statement that "10,000 people in our community don't have food and water and nobody seems to give a shit."...people would tend to zero in on the 's-word' and give a secondary thoughts to the 10,000 hungry folks.

Thats not to try and justify cussing, although there does seem to be a place for the use of colorful language when you are desperately trying to make a particular point...see Paul and skubalon in Phillippians 3:8.  My point is that our priorities are so far out of wack in much of the contemporary western church.

 Hopefully this will remind you (and me) that the main thing is keeping the main thing, the main thing. 

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