Friday, September 4, 2009

Protecting Abortion

I don't normally write on political things here. I find that there are very few people who can talk about politics and keep a level-enough head in their demeanor to be sure that Christ is seen in the discussion. Most Christians who get excited talking about, or participating in, politics are either nominal in the faith or tend to be overzealous and quarrelsome. I would fall into the latter category, so I refrain most of the time.

However, something struck me yesterday as I read an Esquire magazine article at lunch about one particular abortion doctor and the US Marshalls that are protecting him. Yes, that is correct - a private abortionist has a federal law enforcement protection detail. I was struck enough to do some research.

Apparently, in the wake of the George Tiller murder at the beginning of the summer, Attorney General Eric Holder decided that US Marshalls should be sent "to offer protection to other appropriate people and facilities around the nation."

Let me be clear...

George Tiller was a mass-murderer.
George Tiller should not have been killed by any fellow human being.
Like it or not, he was practicing a legal procedure in his state.
We should respect the law and peacefully try to change it.
God is sovereign and He will take vengence as He deems.
In the wake of the Tiller murder, other abortionists may be likely targets for other fanatics.

That said, I cannot understand why the US Government would be providing security. If these physicians are private industry, shouldn't they hire a private security?

Around the same time as the Tiller murder, 2 soldiers were gunned down by a terrorist sympathizer outside a military recruiting station in Arkansas. To the best of my knowledge, US Marshalls have not been directed to protect the recruiting stations around the country and they ARE government entities.

Sending US Marshalls to protect the most prolific abortionists in America after Tillers murder is nothing more than a political move by the most abortion-friendly White House in history and an unethical use of US taxpayer dollars.

It seems to me that there are plenty of crimes occuring everyday that could use the attention of these highly-qualified LE officers - playing bodyguard to abortionists might offer abit of safety to those abortionists - but doesn't it ultimately leave the rest of us more vulnerable?

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