Sometimes people ask me about the music I am listening to on my iPod. I have lots of different stuff on there. Much of my life inside the headphones does not revolve around music at all. I listen to lots of podcasts (free talk radio from Apple). You can get a podcast for just about any subject, I listen to lots of preaching.
Currently, my iPod hosts sermons from John Piper, John MacArthur, Mark Driscoll, and Allistar Begg. Additionally, I have several teaching programs downloaded, including stuff from Greg Koukl, RC Sproul, and William Lane Craig. All of these resources have been one part of growing my faith – namely, they grew my theological understanding and critical thinking skills. I am very grateful for the use I have gotten out of my iPod. I paid $200 for it back in 2006 – great investment!
Of course, I do have some music stored away as well. It may seem cheesy, but I have lots of Christian music. I am not one of those people who thinks that a believer can’t listen to secular music, it is my own personal conviction to distance myself from most music that isn’t overtly Christian. Music tends to bring back memories for me and I don’t need to spend my day thinking about drunk fighting (rock music) or promiscuity (hip hop). To keep my head uncluttered, I listen to lots of explicitly religious stuff.
I would say that my two favorite “artists” are Indelible Grace and LeCrae. IG is actually a group of folks that sprung out of Belmont University. They have an amazing knack for setting old hymms to modern arrangement. It is really laid back, yet deep music. Best of all, they are very sound in their lyrics, one can learn a lot about what Scripture says by the songs they sing. It’s a great way to reinforce daily time in the Word and prayer. The other artist is a Christian rapper named LeCrae. He is able to put catchy beats in the background of some insanely profound rhymes. His work is so Christo-centric and right-on, John Piper has teamed up with him for several projects.
Before I post the webpages of these 2 artists, let me invite you (my awesome reader) to send me a comment with your favorite Christian artist/ song. I appreciate it!
I'm with you on the secular music issue. Personally, I don't listen to much music that is not Christian, but I don't have a problem with other believers listening to it, as long as it doesn't have a negative effect on their Christian walk. If you like Christian rap, you should check out Shai Linne and The Plumbline Collective (www.theplumblinecollective.com). I work with one of the guys in the Plumbline and he introduced me to the whole "Reformed Rap" movement. Their website has a link to a 50-song CD that you can download for free. Let me know what you think about it.