Yesterday, a friend from church posted a link on facebook. I followed it and I was so happy that I did.
"Death is Not Dying" is a webpage devoted to the life of Rachel Barkey. Rachel recently passed away after years of fighting breast cancer, being a cancer survivor, finding out that the cancer returned, and receiving a terminal prognosis. On top of those things, Rachel was young and she had a husband and two small children. For many people, being put in that situation would lead to an abandonment of the faith or a deep anger at God. But, for Rachel - her walk with Christ only deepened.
The webpage has some great resources, including:
A 55 minute video of her speaking to 600 women shortly before her death. (A magnificent presentation of the hope we have in the gospel)
A stellar book list that was her personal reconmendations for further study and edification
A section with reprints of the numerous letters that Rachel wrote during her trial
A links section to several good sites
The story of Rachel Barkey is a moving tale of one women who faced certain death with untouchable hope - not in herself or her own skills and ability - but with a saving faith in the hope that Christ gave us thru his finished work on the cross and his ressurection. Its worth a look.
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