This morning I was able to listen to a new podcast of Stand to Reason. The host of that show is Greg Koukl. Greg is a wonderful defender of reasonable Christianity. The mission statement of his organization is:
"Stand to Reason trains Christians to think more clearly about their faith and to make an even-handed, incisive, yet gracious defense for classical Christianity and classical Christian values in the public square."
I have been listening to Greg for some time. He was the first guy to plant Reformed thoughts in my head, Piper watered them, and praise God they are growing more each day. A weekly listen to Greg's show is always a treat.
The show I heard today featured an interview with Michael Horton of the White Horse Inn radio show. Dr. Horton is a professor at Westminster Seminary in CA. He is editor of Modern Reformation journal and he is the author of many books as well. I just got done reading one of his books on covenant theology.
The show today centered on his newest book, "Christless Christianity". I have not read that book, but after the interview today - I want to. It was a great discussion between Greg and Mike. I heartily commend it to everyone who reads this blog. Just go to the Stand to Reason webpage and you should find the audio pretty easily.
Also, be sure to get a copy of Greg's new book, "Tactics". I got a copy for my birthday in January and it was awesome. The synopsis goes like:
"Tired of finding yourself flat-footed and intimidated in conversations? Want to increase your confidence and skill in discussions with family, friends, and coworkers? Gregory Koukl offers practical strategies to help you stay in the driver’s seat as you maneuver comfortably and graciously in any conversation about your Christian convictions.'
Good stuff, both the Horton interview and the Koukl book. Check them out soon! You will be edified and inspired to go after life and faith with more zeal for the Glory of Christ thru these two recommendations!
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