This afternoon I listened to a sermon by a preacher named Paul Washer from San Antonio Texas. I don’t know hardly anything about this guy. I haven’t even “googled” him yet. I simply saw his podcast in the podcast directory next to some others whom I listen to and I had a sudden vague remembrance of someone at church saying something about him once. Curious, I downloaded his sermon.
I was somewhat offended when he advocated to keep our TVs off. I have heard this idea from Piper before, but this time it was more stringent. Washer went on to say that he has a TV that only plays DVDs, no cable. He said that TV was full of things that grieve the Holy Spirit. Then he said that no believer who wants to have strong fellowship with God can watch ABC, NBC, or FOX.
Uh…that means I can’t watch LOST. Not cool.
Maybe I am in gross sin by watching TV. I don’t know. I do limit my TV and we have a very basic cable package (main channels, church channels, and kid’s channels). Perhaps that is not enough. It might be that I need to stop watching the best TV ever – LOST. But, since the show only has one more season left (next year), I will probably abstain from judgment regarding the dissolution of all cable TV watching until 2011. Pray for me.
On a similar note…he did have a good point in his sermon. He said that too many believers (especially pastors) are nothing more than parrots who can quote the doctrinal principles of the faith and who can mimic other pastors. He talked about the whole nation of young men who are entering service to the Lord with little more than a notebook of quotes from Edwards and a tattered copy of Brainerds diary. All the while, Washer says, these young men are lacking in the time they spend tarrying before the Lord and delighting in his presence the way which their heroes did. We should seek to imitate the zeal of the Puritans, not just talk about them reverently is his point.
I was convicted by this part of the message. I have basic doctrine under my belt and sermons from Piper, MacArthur, and Driscoll filling my ears everyday – yet, I do not spend much time alone and on my knees before God. I don’t wrestle with the Lord in the way that Jacob did over the difficult issues of my life. I too often “talk the talk” without enough walking. I pray that the Lord will work in me thru his Spirit to bring me before him more regularly and more deeply.
“...You shall worship the Lord your God
and him only shall you serve.”
Matthew 4:10
I'm probably the guy you remember mentioning Paul Washer. I've been listening to his sermons for a couple of years now, but I too, was a little offended the first time I heard him speak. But after searching scripture and examining my heart, I found that most of what offended me was offending my flesh. While I don't always agree with everything that he says, his sermons are always convicting and leave me seeking to know God more. Bro. Washer is one of those speakers who does not fear man and seeks approval from God alone. I'd like to hear the specific sermon you listened to for myself. I'll try to remember to ask you about it on Sunday. Hope you guys are having a good week.
ReplyDelete- Jeremy S.
ReplyDeleteYeah, his sermon was convicting on many levels and I will certainly listen to other things from him in the future. That said, his manner of speaking was abit overly-dramatic at times. He almost seems like he is gonna cry at times. It did remind me too much of a televangelist. However, since I still felt that it was his sincere style and not a show for the audience, I will keep listening.
"Then he said that no believer who wants to have strong fellowship with God can watch ABC, NBC, or FOX."
ReplyDeleteI'm all for speaking with authority, but binding the consciences of your people in this way is legalism, plain and simple.
In my post I was recalling his words from memory. I don't want to paint an unfair picture...so:
ReplyDeleteI listened to the sermon (The Prescense of God and the Power of God) again. This time I decided to write down what he actually said in the relevant area (around 10 minutes into the sermon). Turns out he never mentioned FOX...guess I can watch LOST after all. lol
"Do you have a TV?
I do. Its not connected to anything, we watch tapes and videos.
Are rgere some good things out there on TV?
Can I make use of it?
Most certainly.
Can I watch ABC, CBS, and NBC?
ABSOLUTELY NOT (emphasis because he yelled this)
Don't tell me that you want to walk with God and you want the Holy Spirit to fall on this place, yet you will watch things before you get in the pulpit that grieve the Holy Spirit. Or when you come out of the pulpit and you stand before your people telling them that you want the Holy Spirit to move, then you finish up tired, go home and turn on the TV...thereby grieveing the Spirit you just cried for.
Sorry but its true!"