Friday, February 10, 2012
An Anti-Religion Agenda?
I am no conspiracy theorist. I don't sit around and worry about all the people and organizations out there who are said to be trying to undermine Christianity. I don't get concerned about the suppossed liberal bias of the media which I have heard about from some of my friends and family. I don't lose sleep over the Illuminati or the Federal Reserve.
All that said, I am deeply concerned about something that seems to have come to my attention recently.
I am beginning to sense that there is a subversive attempt by a particular segment of our society to discredit and phase out religion, Christianity in particular.
This started a few weeks back. I heard that a provision of the Obama healthcare plan would require employers to cover contraception in their employee benefits plans. I am not Catholic. I am not equating contraception and abortion. However, I am worried that the government is forcing employers who do have religious reservations about birth control to cover it in their insurance plans.
The administration argues that they are doing nothing to infringe upon freedom of religion because they exempt actual churches. That means that a megachurch pastor doesn't have to pay for birth control to his staff at the church. Unfortunately, that principle is not applied to organizations run by a church. For example, a hospital run by the Catholic church will be forced to include contraception coverage to their nurses, doctors, admin staff, etc.
This differentiation between church and church run organization by the Obama administration is nonsensical.
If an organization is run by the church, it should be guided by the principles of the church. No one forces the staff to work there. If they are unhappy with the idea that their insurance plan would not cover birth control, since the governing body of their organization is opposed to such a thing, then they can find employment with another organization not functioning as an arm of the church.
When I heard about this I was appalled and some red flags immediately went up in my non-conspiratorial noggin.
Then a few days later, I heard that Greece just voted that pedophilia is to be counted as a disability!
This is an insane idea and it was amazing how little coverage the major news outlets had on this topic. Seriously, in an era where we give lots of air time to the issue of Anna Nicole and MJ's death, we can't get some comprehensive coverage and opinion on a matter like this?
Fishy to me and I'm not a "biased media" town cryer.
Lastly, I found out (late in the game) about the ~ 60 New York City churches, who meet in local schools, that they can't meet there anymore. Apparently a judge justified the decision by stating:
"“A worship service is an act of organized religion that consecrates the place in which it is performed, making it a church."
Again...what? Where does that bad theology come from?
There are many folks fighting this rule, but alot of people supporting it also. Its truly insane for all of the reason that Tim Keller notes in the hyperlink above.
The three of these stories, coming so closely on the heels of one another, have given me pause. It really made me question if there is an agenda out there on the move aganist religion (writ broad) with Christianity as the main target.
I don't have hard evidence and I didn't do a study, but my gut tells me that the success of the homosexual agenda in the last 25 years has given a boost of confidence to those individuals who have long advocated to rid the world of Christians.
These anti-religion folks can see the success of the homosexual movement in such a short period and probably think they can replicate it to some degree. They may be right.
What will you do when the man comes knocking and telling you to renounce Christ crucified? It could happen within my kids lifetime. Keep your eyes open!
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