Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I have been pro-life for a long time.  Even before I trusted Christ, I knew that killing babies was wrong regardless of their size, level of development, environment, or level of dependency.

Unfortunately, I used to "preach" my pro-life views in a really harsh way to people.  I actually remember going on an insensitive rant at a girl back in 2001 until she finally broke down crying.  Turns out she had an abortion years earlier and she felt alot of guilt over it.  Rather than lead her to the forgiveness of the cross, which I didn't know at that time, I think I basically told her that she deserved the pain she was feeling.  Not so smooth :(

Tonight I watch a short film called "180" from Ray Comfort (the guy who does street evangelism with Kirk Cameron) and it was pretty good.  It compared the Nazi Holocaust with the current unseen slaughter of unborn babies in America.  I admire Ray and his style.  I think it has its own effectiveness, even though its not how I am called to operate.  Nevertheless, a good film to watch.  Check it here:


Watching this film reminded me to share my new favorite organization and speaker for the pro-life movement.  The clarity that Scott Klusendorf brings to this issue is remarkable.  He keeps things simple and easy to recall for those times that we find ourselves engaged in this sensitive topic.  And while he stays away from inflammatory rhetoric, that doesn't mean he is afraid to let the grisly images speak for themselves.

I watched his "This is Abortion" video tonight and found myself crying.  I think that every adult should see this footage to see exactly what occurs in an abortion.  Its like seeing the images of Auschwitz, a game-changer.  What is so great is Scott's amazing ability to show this video and give his logical and well-reasoned presentation with such grace and authority.

I encourage all my readers (all 4 or you...lol) to go check out Scott at:


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