"I know that 12 points might seem like alot, but this is what has been on my mind the past few days and I need to jot it all down. Thanks for reading, I hope that something in here proves to be helpful or at least thought-provoking."
I am still trying to figure out what I believe about the Roman Catholic view of justification and whether or not it can be considered Christian in view of the Scriptures. If I understand the view correctly, Christ infuses his righteousness to us that we might have the ability to partake in it, however we only become righteous ourselves when we cooperate with that infusion through the sacraments and good works. Am I confused on the stance of Rome? If that is what they believe then they are in conflict with many biblical passages (including Romans 3:23-28) it seems.
- Humans are born in sin, totally unable to please God on their own.
- Humans can do nothing (at all) to merit or earn their own salvation.
- Jesus died on the cross so that Christians (not everyone) can go to heaven.
- If God decides that he wants something, he gets it.
- Once God has what he wants, he never loses it.
(If you agreed with all those statements you may be Reformed. Contact your local Presbytery for more info)
"I do not come into this pulpit hoping that perhaps somebody will of his own free will return to Christ. My hope lies in another quarter. I hope that my Master will lay hold of some of them and say, "You are mine, and you shall be mine. I claim you for myself." My hope arises from the freeness of grace, and not from the freedom of the will."
My wife's friend from college is looking to land a job with a local church as an associate pastor and urban ministry director. Please pray that the Lord will work all things in this job hunt for both Cameron's benefit and His glory. Check out Cam's blog HERE.
It appears that certain folks (not affiliated with the SBC) in Tennessee are circulating a group of documents to try and "flush out" those pesky Calvinist preacher candidates in Baptist churches. Go to Josh Gelatt's blog to read more - HERE.
My mom of my wife's aunt by marriage posted something that her pastor (Brother Ralph) said this past Sunday. He said "If we spent as much time praying as we do keeping up with everyone on facebook, texting, and e-mails we would sure have more power in our life and church." Great quote, now back to blogging...lol.
I joined a e-mail distribution group last night called Powered by 4. It is a product of Woodrow Kroll's "Back to the Bible' ministry. They are gonna send me an e-mail every day with some scripture and some insights. I think that Kroll is pretty solid and I need to get back in the word. I read through the whole Bible last year for the first time and it was great (and tedious). I am hoping that this will get me back into some daily Scripture. Go HERE for more info.
Is is necessary to take the creation account literally to be a Christian? Can we be theistic evolutionists who see the first chapters of Genesis as a metaphor describing a real event? Was there really a talking snake and a tree with fruit that made us like God in our knowledge? Since Genesis was written long after that point in history, could Moses be explaining the creation of man, his union with God, his rebellion, and his fall in a way that was easily received as a narrative by those Israelites he penned it to? Whadda you think?
When neo-charismatics use the term "full-gospel" they mean that Jesus death was about more than eternal salvation - it was also a means for our earthly financial prosperity and health. The term implies that the traditional and orthodox view of the gospel, as the penal substitutionary atonement that provided for the Great Exchange of our sin for Christ's righteousness, is an imcomplete gospel. I have a suggestion for renaming the "full-gospel"...how about this, "the false-gospel." Read 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
HERE is a good article about disaster relief in the wake of things like the Haitian earthquake. Novel idea to actually ask people in affected areas what they need rather than assume that we civilized westerners will know best.
Sometimes homosexuals will say that their current fight for same-sex marriage is akin to the civil rights movement of the 60s for African-American equality. This is a fatal logical fallacy called a category error. Skin color is a 100% genetically inhereited trait. There is no choice or behavior involved. Thats why we were wrong to hold back rights from blacks, they didn't do anything (based on skin color alone) to warrant a refusal of any civil liberty. Homosexuality however is a lifestyle choice. It might have genetic predispositionalism as a component, but it is ultimately a choice - in the same way that hereditary alcoholics have to decide to pick up the bottle. Unlike unchangeable physical characteristics, we do make distinctions regarding volitional behaviors when we deny certain civil rights. Felons can't vote or carry guns because of choices they made for example. Whatever your view on the issue it is improper to try and use the 'same as black civil rights' arguement for same-sex marriage.
Most of us aren't vocational clergy. Yet, we are all a priesthood of believers and we are all called at the end of Matthew 28 and in Acts 1:8 to spread the gospel to the whole world for the purpose of making disciples. It obviously isn't practical for everyone to be an overseas missionary, but most of us neglect the mission field that we engage with every day. Do you actively seek to engage people at work, at school, at the gym...for the sake of the gospel. Do you feel the urgency which comes with a sincere care for those lost souls. Do you show and tell those in your group of friends and accquiantces about God's great mercy, his grace, and the death of his only Son on a regular basis? This applies to those who say they are Chrisitan also. Many in the South wear the nominal title and actually practice moralistic deism. We must all seek to be more proactive, by the power of the Holy Spirit, in reaching out to those immediately around us (whom we already have relationship with) for the purposes of their salvation and God's glory.
"If you made it this far, thanks. I feel better now."
can you be mostly Reform? Like if you agreed with most of them, but are still not sure about one of them? :)
ReplyDeleteAmyraldism? Are you a 4-pointer? If thats the case then I would agree with Sproul when he famously says "it is possible for a person to believe four points without believing the fifth, but a person who really understands the other four points must believe in limited atonement because of what Martin Luther called a "resistless logic."
ReplyDeleteCheck out my posts here:
BTW - Driscoll is a 4-pointer and I would call him Reformed. Some in my Presbyterian camp, like R. Scott Clark would disagree with my view that 4-points can be Reformed. Look up his stuff at the Hiedelblog if you want that side of the debate.
for more on my views...