Is this a strong affirmation of the Trinity?
The one true God has revealed Himself as the eternally self-existent, self-revealed "I AM" and has further revealed Himself as embodying the principles of relationship and association, i.e., Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (from the Benny Hinn Ministries Statement of Faith)
Last night on Nightline, there was a feature segment about Binny Hinn. It was very interesting to see clip after clip of people falling down after being "healed" by Benny. Several things caught my attention...
1 - There has never been any evidence collected to show conclusively that Benny Hinn actually heals people. In fact, in the interview he admits that he doesn't have any evidence of healing. It seems to me that anyone really healing to the degree he "can" would want to have those miracles documented for God's glory...huh.
2 - When you watch the clips of Benny healing folks, you tend to see lots of people on stage who appear to be from an uneducated, low socioeconomic status. Yes, I stereotyped and no, I am not saying that means those individuals are worth less than any of us. However, it is a fact that low education, lack of finances, and akward social abilities often lead people in vulnerable and desperate situations where they can be easily confused and/or easily given in to the emotional exagerations that I believe we see at Hinn revivials...but maybe I am just overly profiling..?
3 - Even though Benny Hinn claims to have given all financial records from his ministry to the Senator who is investigating prosperity gospel leaders, Benny said that he was unable to provide the same info for public disclosure. He claimed that his witholding of the financial data was due to a confidentiality agreement with the Senator. The Senators office denied the existence of an agreement...interesting.
4 - Several times in the interview, when the questions got tough for Benny, his off-camera publicist would interupt the reporter and try to steer the conversation off of healing and finances. (Strange since that is the bread and butter of Hinn's work) For his part, Benny was akward in these moments, telling his publicist that he was glad to be asked hard questions and even reaching forward to oddly shake the reporters hand in thanks for the difficult interogatives...run away, run away!
5 - Mostly, when the reporter asked a very plain question to Benny that was along the lines of: "Do you take advantage of people in need by providing false healing for a fee?" Well, Benny begin to get really animated. He sat up, moved his hands, swallowed hard, and essentially changed his whole demeanor for that question. No where else in the show did he get so worked up. I am no expert (like Tim Roth on Lie to Me), but I am pretty sure that his body language indicated a lie.
Check it out HERE.
How can people be so duped? It blows my mind. I guess that such false ministires gain success because they appeal to the carnal selfishness inside us. Its so sad.
All that to get back to my original question, is the statement of faith regarding the Trinity by Hinn an adequate one or is it so vague as to be outside the faith? I am going with the latter.
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