If God has given you but a small portion of the world, yet if you are godly He has promised never to forsake you (Heb. 13:5). Providence has ordered that condition for you which is really best for your eternal good. If you had more of the world than you have, your heads and hearts might not be able to manage it to your advantage.
—John Flavel
I don't know what lot has been given to me in this life. I thought for many years that I would be career military or police - yet, my flesh urged me into actions that prohibited those paths for my future. Then, I imagined that politics would be my calling. A behind the scenes internship at the State Capitol foiled those plans. So, I have been long suffering at my menial government job for 4 years now.
There was suppossed to be a position opening here that I might be very competitive for - as of today they have told us that the upcoming position is "in administrative purgatory." I suppose that civil service (at least at my current agency) is not in the cards.
So, now I am seriously looking to my future. Wondering where to go from here is a full time preoccupation. I am thankful to God that I have a job, a secure one at that. Nevertheless, it does not pay adequately and I need to find my path sooner rather than later.
This makes me question what I am good at and what skills I have...Learning to kill folks in the military does not transfer easily to civillian life. My degree in PolSci is pretty generic. I have no mind for numbers, business, or science. My primary interests are theology and mixed martial arts. God did not grant me the physical prowess for MMA...lol.
I am looking at other Federal agencies or the possibility of going into education thru the GA TAPP program. I still have a strong desire to attend seminary, but I don't see now as the best time.
Ultimately, I know that God has me here for good reasons and that whether or not I have tremendous increase and blessing in occupation and finances OR I stay in a low-paying unexciting position, he is providing me with exactly what is best for my eternal soul. In the end, it is the status of my walk with him - not material gain that is important, the two don't always go hand in hand.
While recognizing that I still feel that it is my duty to be looking for opportunities to advance (Abraham didn't get his wife pregnant by gazing at camels, he had to do something to see his faith realized.) If anyone has any suggestions on career paths or if you know of any job openings that you think I would be good at, please let me know.
I am trusting in the promise that he will never forsake me - I appreciate your prayers.
NOTE: You may notice a drop-off in the number of blog entries coming out of me. My internet time is now best spent looking for a career. I hope to get one and resume my frequent thought contribution here soon.
I'll definitely be praying for you bro. Glad you see that God does have his reasons for where you are now and He is in control of your job as in every aspect of our lives. Just remember that God uses every thing that happens in our lives (jobs included) to conform us to the image of Christ. Keep seeking Him.