Proverbs 27:17
"As iron sharpens iron, one man sharpens another"
Today at work, I had a good conversation. I was doing a project with a co-worker that required us to spend about 4 hours together. In the time we had together we talked about lots of religious and bio-ethical topics. He is a recent convert from a somewhat shallow evangelical Christianity to the tradition rich faith of Roman Catholicism. After some discussion, I was able to discern that he seems to have a very strong grasp on the gospel of grace and a trusting relationship with Christ.
Despite his new allegiance to the Holy See, this gentleman was explaining his view on abortion and I realized that he was not in keeping with the official Catholic position. He said that he felt as if abortion was wrong BUT we shouldn't tell women what to do with their own body. I spent 20-30 minutes outlining my position that abortion does not only involve one actor. There are, in fact, two persons affected by the act of abortion. I argued that the "thing" inside a woman has different genetic DNA than she does, it is growing, and it feels pain. Amongst other things, these seem to lend evidence to the truth of that "thing" being a human being. Granted, a very small human being in the earliest stages of development - but human nevertheless.
He conceded that the baby in a stage of gestation was a human. Then, I talked about the role of society in setting up rules for what we can do to others - how murder, rape, and assault are all forbidden and penalized by law because they injure another human being aganist that persons will. If abortion is essentially the act of one human (mom) deciding to kill another human (baby) without the victims consent, it can't ever be ok.
Shortly after I finished my position, we went to lunch. When we came back he told me that he spent the lunch break musing over the issue and that he had decided that he needed to change his position into the one that I hold (the one I believe is biblical). I was so happy for this brother in Christ. I think he is a very caring person who was simply confused on the subject, probably by the lies fed to us thru media and news outlets. I will continue to pray for this young warrior of the faith. I hope he is used in a mighty way by God and that I may be an instrument of the Lord in shaping him.
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