I was recently listening to a podcast from Stand to Reason (www.str.org). I love Greg Koukl and his winsome method of delivering the truths of Christianity. On the episode in question, he was commenting about a recent article that argues a thesis about the decline of evangelicalism in American. The writer apparently believes that by 2020, there will half as many professing evangelicals in our country as there are today. The statistic given was 35% of America currently describes themselves as "evangelical."
I have not read the article that is being quoted and I just briefly listened to Greg's thoughts on it. However, I understood enough of the main point on this issue to formulate some thoughts myself. Ultimately, I agree with the prediction that evangelical Christianity will soon be on a major downward slope, furthermore I believe that this decline will bring strengthened faith to the faithful and splendid glory to our God.
Why the drop?
I think that evangelicalism will see faster and deeper decline ove the next 20 years for several reasons:
1) There is a cultural two-pronged attack on the faith today from postmodern agnostics who deny the existence or knowledge of truth on one side and the revived army of modern materialists who espouse militant athieism on the other side.
2) The new administration has already proven itself to be hostile to the key social beliefs that evangelicals hold (pro-life, traditional marriage, etc...) Additionally, the new president is passing new guidelines for faith-based inititaives that bar religious non-profits from being selective in hiring to ensure that they get employees who agree with their doctrinal beliefs. Also, there is a bill on the table that would take away the right of medical personnel to refuse to perform procedures that they have a moral aversion to.
3) Under the leadership of Oprah and Hollywood, the new religion that is spreading across America is politically correct hyper-pluralism and tolerance that spills over into universalism. These days, it is bigoted to hold that any one religion may contain that true path to eternity.
4) Since the freedom revolution of the 60s and 70s we have been under an ever-increasing barrage of moral relativism. Media has picked up the banner now and we are exposed to the idea that there is no transcendent objective moral right and wrong every day. There is only society and what it agrees on, and that changes between cultures - so they say.
5) There is a precedent before us in this downhill slide. It can be seen within the mainline denominations - Episcopals, Lutherans, Presbyterian (USA), and Methodists have already begun to abandon the gospel and embrace the wickedness of the world.
6) Largely, the late 20th century phenomenon of emotive, charismatic Christianity has been the driving force behind tossing out the classical doctrines and intellectual theological understandings of our faith. Without those foundations, we will be tossed about and demolished by a raging sea of anti-Christian attackers. On a similiar note, we have not done a good job of educating our children on the faith - since we don't know it ourselves.
All of these previous issues are cumulative and they are creating an enviorment that is breeding a destructive evangelical-eating bacteria.
How is this good?
Upon an initial reading of the above, you may be distressed. I would say - "don't be." For too long the culture of America has identified itself as Christian while disregarding, on the whole, any real effort at trusting Christ. It has been a nation of nominal belief for some time now. The decline of those who identify with evangelicalism over the next 20 years will simply separate the sheep and the goats.
As classical Christianity is marginalized, made fun of, and portrayed as the anthesis of love/ peace...persecution and suffering will increase for those who hold firm to our Savior and his gospel message. However, the Bible is clear that these things (persecution and suffering) are exactally what we should expect to endure AND the very things that will gather for us eternal rewards.
James 1:12
Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. (ESV)
Also see:
Mark 4:17
2 Cor 2:10
2 Thes 1:4
Rom 5:3
Rom 8:18
2 Cor 1:5
2 Cor 1:6
Phil 3:10
Col 1:24
2 Tim 1:8
2 Tim 2:3
2 Tim 2:9
2 Tim 4:5
At the end of the day we will get a closer relationship with Jesus, future treasures, and unbreakable joyous resolve as we stand firm under the coming persecutions. God will therefore get great glory as his name is continuely exalted in the midst of hardship. Maybe what American Chrisitianity needs most right now is the forthcoming decline of those who identify with evangelicalism and the increase in religious persecution/ It might help us get back to our roots - like the early church under Rome.
Thankfully at the end of the day, we can be assured that God is working all things (even pain and discomfort) for the ultimate, eternal good of those whom he has chosen and whom he so merciful loves. Romans 8:28
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