One of the things I seriously struggle with is forgiving. I know that it is a key component of walking with Jesus. Nevertheless, my flesh is always at war with me on the issue and I often harbor resentment and anger for far too long.
The Gospel of Matthew tells us that the blood of Jesus (which was shed on the cross as a sign of the New Covenant) is specifically for the forgiveness of sin (v 27-28). It was by his death as our substitute that he took the punishment we deserved and simultaneously, as we were clothed in his righteousness, all of our sins were erased from Gods ledger.
Seeing as how we didn't deserve that forgiveness in any way, shape, or form...it is a wonderful act of grace and mercy. I am so thankful for Gods love to me through Christ. Redeemed and secure, the challenge is now to be a representation of my Savior as long as I wait for my glorification in heaven.
But, what about when we are wronged unjustly? What if the other party is unwilling to apologize? In the case of an extreme wound, like rape or the murder of a dear loved one, how do we act?...
Again in Matthew we read, we should forgive 7 times 70! In the parable of the unforgiving servant (18: 21-35), Jesus makes clear that it the function of one of his disciples to forgive. How can we elevate ourselves above God by refusing to forgive the worst sins against us when he has graciously forgiven all of our evils against him?
Friends, even as I struggle with this in my daily life, I ask you to join me in being conscious about our level of forgiveness. Not begrudgingly or out of a sense of duty, but rather because of the overflow of joy that comes from knowing that God has been so merciful to us.
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