Lots of Christians think that studying theology is (at best) for academics or (at worst) dishonoring the emotional nature of relationship with God. Theology is at neither extreme.
Theology is the study of God, his character, his will, and his actions. It is the foundation of practical application.
No doctor operates on a patient without medical knowledge. No lawyer argues a case without an understanding of legal matters. Likewise, no one preaches the Gospel correctly or effectively without understanding what it is.
Not knowing (or misunderstanding) God and his message leads to many well-intentioned but false teachings.
Dig into God. Study Scripture and Theology.
Jeremiah 4:22
For further study: FAITHFULNESS: A PRESCRIPTION FOR THEOLOGY by Craig Blaising http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3817/is_200603/ai_n17175359/print
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